Deimos, you know it's so surprising that a man as beloved as you would get the crap kicked out of him. Tell me, did a mob just descend on you or did your friends draw straws to see who got the honors?


So your best friend is on her deathbed and Kristen Dimera, who really is a psychopath, is still on the loose, and you decide it's a good time to go way out to the cabin and go for a walk through the woods. Don't you know they're going to find out sooner or later that you planted that evidence?


You keep my secret and I'll keep yours.


Being book smart doesn't mean that you're not life stupid and you're majorly life stupid.


Jake: If I didn't know better, I'd think you were asking me out on a date.
Kate: No date. Just two friends and an open bar.

You need to die.


John: So? Did that movie scare the hell out of you?
Marlena: I don't know. A woman possessed by the devil? Seems a little far-fetched to me.

I told you about my friend who stopped me from going off a cliff. But I still had a long way to go before my feet were back on the ground.


Ben Weston sane? Oh my God, has the world gone mad?


Look, Brady, I know weddings can bring up a lot of complicated feelings for people, especially when they are interrupted by a homicidal maniac.


Vivian: You have made a good impression, and I don't make compliments lightly.
Eve: Then I'll return the favor. You look good for someone who's been dead for two years.

Eduardo: It was a terrible mistake. I should have taken you at your word when you told me you didn't steal that drive. I should never have accused you of lying. You were obviously telling the truth. I am beyond sorry.
Kate: Sorry doesn't cut it any more than please, so if you don't mind -
Eduardo: No, no. Please. I am begging you. Kate, forgive me.