Theo: I heard I got a new uncle.
Chad: Yeah. He's Stefan's twin brother.
Theo: Is he coming today?
Chad: Thankfully not.
[Jake walks in]
Theo: Wow, he does look just like the other one.

Justin: Wait a minute. Are you two telling me that you're going after Deimos on your own? Do you have any idea how dangerous that man is?
Sonny: We have a very good idea. That's why we're going after him, Dad!
Justin: What the hell can you two do?
Sonny: You know what? Spare us the lecture. Please. The reason I'm telling you is cause I need you to cover for me with Uncle Vic. I can't have Deimos find out we're going after him.
Justin: And what are you going to do if you find him? Ask him nicely to come home to Salem with Nicole and the baby?

Stefan: First of all, I will not ingest anything from you. Secondly, untie me and let me go!
Gabi: Okay, it's my turn now. First of all, settle down. Second of all, It's just aspirin, Stefan, okay? I'm not going to hurt you.
Stefan: Oh, you are unbelievable.
Gabi: Thank you.
Stefan: See, this... this is why I abandoned any possibility, no matter how slim, of ever getting back together with you. Your psychotic drive to take what you want. Your incessant need to get your way.
Gabi: You know, Stefan... well, actually, you don't know, because Rolf scrubbed your brain. But all the reasons that you've given me for not wanting to be with me now are the reasons why you couldn't live without me.

He was my best friend and I don't know how I'm going to go on without him.


Take it from someone who learned it the hard way. You have to take care of yourself because no one else ever will.


Kate: I could only get two trunkfuls of my things delivered tonight.
Sami: Aw, just the pointy hats and brooms?

Will: I never say no to my two favorite food groups: waffles and chocolate.

Jennifer: Your grandpa Bill died today.
Chad: I'll call a travel agent.
Abigail: I don't want you to come with me.

Aww. Will you stop and rescue a puppy on the way?


Kayla: Who would fix it so one of my patients dies? I don't have any enemies.
Steve: That you know of. Listen, do you mind if I do a little investigating?
Kayla: Do I get the family discount?
Steve: You get the Sweetness discount.

We got a situation. Dimera's escaped.


Chad: Do you have any idea how paranoid that sounds?
Abigail: You don't really get to talk to me about being paranoid right now.