SInce my mom died, it's just been me and my dad, you know?


I can't think about Aiden right now. I just can't.


You and your friends made a terrible miscalculation today and you are all going to live to regret it.


Chad: It was business. It wasn't personal.
Sonny: It wasn't personal? I asked you. I practically begged you as a friend not to do it, but you did it anyway. How is that not personal?

Don't bring yourself down to their level. Thugs use violence to get what they want. That's not us.


But feel free to throw the word around. Blackmail. I'm not squeamish about it like you are.


I can picture you now. Shooting your way into the Dimera compound, pistol in one hand disposable nappies in the other.


You are more than capable, Theo. But there is a difference between being capable and being reckless.


Gabi...I'm sorry... forgive me...


Harold told me that he had to call a cab for Anne Milbauer this morning.


In fact, I’d have to wonder if any child would want you as a mother in the first place?


Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.