I'm sorry. I just wanted to show you how much I love you. What'd I show you? Some sick, twisted version? That's not who I am.


I killed Stefano... I killed Stefano... I killed Stefano...

Nice, isn't it, when you have interesting people on your side?


I know my father did terrible things for many years, but that doesn't make what you did to him okay.


You of all people should know a lie when you hear one.


Nicole... if you ever cared about me, take me with you, all right?


I'm sorry. I'm gonna give him what he wants.


The man was evil through and through. If he were alive today he'd probably just be torturing another family.


There is no excuse for what I did, Ciara. What I did was wrong.


You're a hypocrite! My whole life, you have been telling me, do the right thing. Don't lie. Don't steal. Don't do bad things. Even on the night that you got arrested, you were going on this speech about how I shouldn't take Grandpa Victor's money. Oh, it's dirty money, it's tainted, he did bad things. AND YOU'RE A MURDERER!


Classic JJ. Something bad happens, go and get drunk.


Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.