Theresa: It is the only way you can possibly move forward in your relationship and it's the only road that can possibly lead to... freedom. Freedom to love without guilt. And on that note, my sermon is finished.
JJ: Theresa. I want that freedom.

You had blackout sex!


Kim: It's seems like yesterday I was braiding Jeannie's hair and I was cutting off the crusts of her egg salad sandwiches and then our sweet little girl turned 13.
Shane: And she hated the both of us. I wondered where my sweet, winsome little girl had gone.

Honey. Abs liked it that way.


Kate: Well honey, for a man who's about to marry the man of his dreams, you don't look very happy. Don't tell me there's trouble in Paradise.
Lucas: No, no. Everything's fine. Sorry to disappoint you.

Put me on probation.


Paper always covers rock, every time. Go ahead, Counselor.


Shouldn't I be the one giving you flowers?


Chad: I'm very happy for them.
Kate: You want to try that again and this time tell me the truth?

Justin: Whose side are you on?
Sonny: I'm on Mom's side.

I don't know what's going on with Adrienne, but she doesn't need you two idiots making it worse.


Like sands through the hourglass... so are the Days of Our Lives.

Dr. Thomas "Tom" Horton Sr.