Sara: You were in the pipes?
Gary: Yeah. You ever seen an octopus squeeze through a hole? My body's like that. Necrians take great pride in our scrunching.

Gideon: According to records, the patient flew into a manic episode during a procedure, causing the massacre. Victims were found with sting marks and exploded hearts.
Nate: We never meet the chill aliens.

Behrad: See, names and nomenclature imply we aren't all the same organism, living and breathing as one.
Pizza Delivery Guy: So I'm also Behrad Tarazi?
Behrad: Everyone is, and they aren't.
Pizza Delivery Guy: Oh, bruv.

Mick: You drank all the booze.
Kayla: Not my fault you couldn't keep up.
Mick: I can only hold two glasses at a time unlike you who can hold eight with your...tentacle things.
Kayla: Or you're just a lightweight.

Bishop: You found and fell in love with one of my greatest accomplishments. It's as though the universe knew to bring us together.
Sara: You're a sick son of a bitch.

I miss my blood pool.


Astra: You don't know anything about me.
Robert: I know the kind of people who do live here, and you are not the type.
Astra: Oh, really? So what type am I, exactly? What about me doesn't fit in with you upstanding residents? Is it because I'm tall? Or female? Or Black?
Robert: You stay back. I will not be threatened this way in my own neighborhood.
Astra: And I won't be treated like a criminal in mine.

Look out, world. I have arrived.


Ava: Well played, gang. How'd you manage to avert nuclear Armageddon?
Nate: Sports analogies.
Behrad: Pot gummies.
Ava: Ah. Very on-brand for both of you.

...just because we're about to die doesn't mean we have to take the whole damn world with us.


Zari: Yay, one less DEFCON.
Nate: That means we're one step closer to nuclear war.
Zari: Well, that makes no sense.

Spooner: ...right to bear arms, that is my Second Amendment privilege.
Zari: The right to tell you that guns suck, that's my First.