Ethan: Mental Illness runs in your family.
Trey: No, being human does.

I'm sorry, Mr. West. If the cabinet wants me out of the office they're going to have to do it the hard way.


Ethan: So, in your expert opinion, is Tom Kirkman fit to continue as president.
Moss: No, no he is not.

Emily: Do you ever think about us?
Aaron: How do you mean?
Emily: Well, we had that kiss last year, once, and it was, you know, it wasn't bad as far as kisses go.
Aaron: It was definitely serviceable.
Emily: You ever wonder what would've happened if there were a sequel?
Aaron: I did, but I decided long ago not to pursue it.
Emily: Why?
Aaron: Because then you wouldn't be here, in my office, a year later, exchanging stories about how we're the two lowest-rent crooks in the history of the White House.

Hannah: They're all dead, Aaron.
Aaron: Who?
Hannah: ... Everyone who gets close to me dies!

Let me enlighten you, I'm someone who keeps their promises, and if you slander me like that in public again this will be the last time you work anywhere including the White House.


Emily: They know about the hearing.
Lyor: Yeah, any leverage the White House had just went up in smoke.

You don't get to be the first female tech billionaire without a ruthless streak.


I'm not going to be making a choice between medical innovation and access to adequate medical care.


I'm sorry, about Damian. I don't know what to say.

Chuck [to Hannah]

Kirkman: So I'm going to have to sit there and watch them tear my life apart.
Kendra: No, you're going to sit there and watch us win.

I'm not going to pull any punches. I have a job to do.


Designated Survivor Season 2 Quotes

This president has survived an assassination attempt, the murder of his vice president, and an opposition, who can only seem to agree on the single proposition that he should be thrashed at every turn. And yet, the president has never wavered in his belief in the American dream, or in the fundamental belief in the goodness of the American people.


It is imperative that we not become numb. The people that we serve, they have faces, families, hopes and dreams and stories.
