Emily: I, um, I screwed up.
Kendra: To protect your boss, but yeah, big time.

Tom Kirkman has given everything to this country, even his wife. And now he's been torn apart because he's self-aware enough to seek help. Judge him if you want to, history will judge you.


Lyor: Sir, your enemies aren't showing scruples. Why should you?
Kirkman: Because I'm the President, and I respect the office.

You've made enough decisions as it is and all of them have been bad.


Mr. President, Ethan West. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a very long time.


Kirkman: What's going on?
Emily: A coup, sir.

Kirkman: How many other tapes are out there?
Doctor: Seven.
Kirkman: Seven? So this is only the beginning.

Kendra: The president's therapy was a closely guarded secret.
Emily: Yes, and most of the people who knew about it are right here in this room.

The best way to avenge the dead is to stay living.


There's a big difference between bravery and recklessness, so what is it you're working out? Huh? 'Cause I'm not gonna let you do it at my expense.

Simms [to Hannah]

Kirkman: You ever think you're working for the wrong guy?
Emily: No, sir, because only the right guy would ask me that question.

Seth: Um, Mr. President, um, I know it's not my place, sir, but the bombing, is it not overkill?
Emily: The President had to respond decisively to an act of war, and he did. No one thinks war comes without a cost.
Tom: We only have one option here, that's to win this war. The faster we do that, the more lives are saved.

Designated Survivor Season 2 Quotes

This president has survived an assassination attempt, the murder of his vice president, and an opposition, who can only seem to agree on the single proposition that he should be thrashed at every turn. And yet, the president has never wavered in his belief in the American dream, or in the fundamental belief in the goodness of the American people.


It is imperative that we not become numb. The people that we serve, they have faces, families, hopes and dreams and stories.
