It's a story as old as time itself - the return of the prodigal son. And no matter how many times it's repeated or how the details might vary, or how the names might change, the story always ends the same way, in the tender embrace of a loving father.

Mary Alice

Addison: Painting in the rain? Is that smart?
Susan: Well, let me see. Painting in the rain or letting the whole world think I'm a whore? I dunno. What do you think?

Gabrielle: You! What the hell did you do with my husband?
Sister Mary: Please restrain yourself, Gabrielle, you are in the House of God.
Gabrielle: Tell me where he is!
Sister Mary: Everywhere, of course.

Addison: You know you were saying you wanted to be part of my life?
Susan: Uh huh...
Addison: I'm at the police station. I need you to come bail me out..

Call the police! If they drag me away, I'm only gonna come right back here. I want you to hear the whole medley! Come on!


You said she touched your soul I just want to make sure her hands are clean.


(voiceover) It's not always that easy to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys. Sinners can surprise you (shot of Gabrielle watching Carlos praying before he goes to sleep.) And the same is true for saints (shot of Sister Mary praying at church before snuffing out a candle.) Why do we try to define people as simply good or simply evil? (Shot of Nina crying as she packs up her desk) Because no one wants to admit that compassion and cruelty can exist side-by-side in one heart. (Shot of Susan's father recovering in the hospital.) And that anyone is capable of anything. (Shot of Bree cleaning up George's hotel room as he lays dying.)

Mary Alice

Sister Mary: Money can't buy happiness.
Gabrielle: Well, sure it can. That's just a lie we tell poor people to keep 'em from rioting.

George: Hey, fancy seeing you here. I was just out for a little ride.
Bree: Don't lie to me, George. You've been riding up and down this street for the last hour.
George: I don't want to do this, Bree, but you won't return any of my phone calls.
Bree: So stalking me is plan B?
(Bree gets into her car. George gets off the bike and goes to her car window)
George: Bree, I know I messed up. I know I got some issues to work on, but I'd be willing to see a therapist if that's what you want. I'll do anything but how can I show you that I, I can change if you don't give me a second chance? Come on. You know I'm not a bad person.
Bree: I do know that, but I'm just not sure you're a good one, either.

Sister Mary: Carlos is a diamond in the rough, a flawed man to be sure, but someone who is desperately searching for something to believe in. To satisfy your materialism, he ended up breaking the law. To deal with your adultery, he resorted to assault. As long as he's with you, he will never find what he's looking for.
Gabrielle: Well, I guess he should have thought of that before he married me.
Sister Mary: Some marriages are meant to be annulled.
Gabrielle: What the hell kind of nun are you? Look, if you try to come between me and my husband, I will take you down.
Sister Mary: I grew up on the south side of Chicago. If you wanna threaten me, you're gonna have to do a lot better than that.
Gabrielle: You listen to me, you little bitch. You do not want to start a war with me.
Sister Mary: Well, I have God on my side. Bring it on.

George: We need to phone an ambulance.
Bree: I called them while you were asleep. They're already on their way.

Gabrielle: What happened?
Carlos: Well, there's this church group that helps out Catholic prisoners and they really, really stepped up for me.
Gabrielle: Well, what did they do?
Carlos: They lobbied the Parole Board and it worked.
Gabrielle: Mmm. I guess I owe the Pope a thank you note.
Carlos: Uh, less talking, more stripping.

Desperate Housewives Season 2 Quotes

Bree: Give me your tie.
Tom: What?
Bree: Give me your tie!
Lynette: Give it to her! Give it to her!

(to Rex's corpse) You look... magnificent.
