Don't make me come up with thought bubbles to put over those silent looks of yours. Just say what you're thinking.

Deb [to Lundy]

Deb: (about Rudy) He sent me this text message.
Dexter: (reading text message) "Cum sail away with me"? He misspelled come.

Miguel: I accept you, Dexter. I accept you like a brother.
Dexter: I killed my brother. I killed yours, too.

Rita: When he does talk to me, it's all lies, all the time.
Dexter: Not... all the time.

The trifecta, weapon, ammo, and impaired judgment. Throw in a little domestic violence, and you have the perfect recipe for a family slaughter.

Dexter Morgan

LaGuerta: You have backup?
Doakes: Oh yeah, all kinds of backup. Helicopters and shit.

The worst thing about finally putting together a puzzle is finding there are missing pieces.

Dexter Morgan

Deb: What's going on in there?
LaGuerta: You tell us.
Deb: Why would I know?
Angel: Come on. You're Lundy's pet.
Deb: Fuck you.
Chico: Seriously, what's Lundy got, or is he just blowing smoke?
Deb: Seriously, I don't know. But if he's got something, it ain't smoke. Lundy's too good to blow smoke.
Angel: Man, no wonder you're his pet.
Deb: Fuck you twice.

Lundy: What exactly is Sergeant Doakes' problem with you, Morgan?
Dexter: (voice over) I kill people, for one.

Dexter Morgan: That leaves only one set of footprints unaccounted for, the killers. This shows everywhere he went in the room. The question is: Why?
Lt. Maria Laguerta: Wait, hold on. Am I missing something? Where are the victim's footprints?
Dexter Morgan: Give that lady a lollipop!

Debra Morgan: Dexter, heads up. Bad in there.
Dexter Morgan: Ok.
Debra Morgan: I'm serious!
Dexter Morgan: Ok.
Sergeant Doakes: She's not kidding. It's your wet dream in there.
Dexter Morgan: Okay...

Records Supervisor: You have a morbid sense of fun.
Dexter Morgan: That's probably true...

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan