(While fire alarm is on) All clear, everybody out! Respect the vest. Don't make me take out my hose.


Too much background noise over there. Hearing's the first thing to go. Or is it memory? I always forget.


(pulls fire alarm) (voice over) Apparently the new Dexter is stuck in high school. Maybe I am a late bloomer.

Angel: No job, no relationship. You got guns and a minor assault record.
Olson: And I voted for George Bush. Both times. What's your point

They are still playing my tune. It's like I'm conducting a final symphony - requiem for demonic Dexter.

Deb: Didn't hear you come in last night.
Dexter: Well, it was late. I was quiet.
Deb: Yeah, you're good at quiet. Guess you kind of have to be with me crashing here and Rita's mom over there. You and Rita fuck quiet, too?
Dexter: And she's off, right out of the gate.

I won't say anything to hurt the little girl's feelings...

Doakes (about Dexter)

(voice over, at Cody's presentation) I'm a little confused. Lila is the one showing me how to take control, stop killing, get my life clean. (waves at Cody) But this is the first time since I went into recovery that I actually feel clean.

Doakes: Unlike you, I do everything out in the open.
Dexter: Well in that case, Sergeant, let me put this in the open for you. No matter what you try, no matter when, no matter how hard you work, I'll always be a step ahead of you for one simple reason.
Doakes: And what's that?
Dexter: I own you.

(to a dead Jimenez) Can't leave you here. Can't take you with me. Don't go anywhere.

Masuka: How come you got a hug and I get a pat on the nose?
Angel: Cause you're like a retarded puppy.

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan

Dexter Quotes

The only real question I have is why in a building full of cops, all supposedly with a keen insight to the human soul, is Doakes the only one who gets the creep from me.

Dexter Morgan

I think this is a friendly message like, "Hey! wanna play?" and yes I wanna play. I really really do.

Dexter Morgan