You know that line, "I'd never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member," that's how I felt about Calliope House. Verena may have been well meaning, but she was also the poster child for skinny entitlement. She thinks she gets it, but she's never been in my extra-wide shoes.


I see you signed on for Verena's torture sessions.


Going cold turkey is neither safe or pleasant.


It sounded like a woo-wood version of Waist Watchers.


All hail Jennifer.


Food was the sin and Momma was the sinner.


So for fun, you work?


Around here you start looking like somebodies grandmother, you're out.


People don't really see themselves, you know. Like some awful people think that everything they do is magic and than people who actually make the world a better place think that they are pieces of shit.


Someone like me has a hard time finding a job. If I lose this, if I get fired, I lose my insurance and than I'm going to be really, really not good.


I have this freaky attention thing, it's like ADD sort of, I'm usually all over the place, but when I care about something I'm crazy focused. Like laser beam focused.


I was just there. It has to be about the emails.


Dietland Quotes

My body was just a thing I used to move my head around. So I missed a lot.


That's me, Alicia Kettle, but everyone calls me Plum because I'm succulent and round. Also known as fat. It's OK, I'm allowed to say it. I'm telling you this from the future if you hadn't gotten that yet, but don't think this is one of those stories. I'm still fat.
