Ah. For the festival of offerings. It takes place every thousand years or so when the rings align. It's quite a big thing actually, like pancake Tuesday.

The Doctor

Amy: Then why do you keep coming back for us?
The Doctor: Because you were the first, the first face and you're seared into my heart and you always will be Emilia pond. I'm running to you and Rory before you. Fade before you.
Amy: I don't want you to be nice to be me.
The Doctor: Yeah you do pond.

No! No weapons! Golden ticket! Spacey zoomer!

The Doctor

I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live.


Oh great. Great. Attack of the supermodels.

The Doctor

So, human sleeping potion or human innuendo. Take your pick.


The Doctor: Clara, I'm not your boyfriend.
Clara: I never thought you were.
The Doctor: I never said it was your mistake.

Okay. Not London 1893. Yorkshire 1893. Near enough!

The Doctor

Clara: The library. You were mentioned in a book. You call yourself Doctor. Why do you do that? You have a name. I've seen it. In one tiny corner of that tiny book.
The Doctor: If I rewrite today, you won't remember, you won't go looking for my name.
Clara: We'll still have secrets.
The Doctor: It's better that way.

The Doctor: You're just Clara, aren't you? Ha ha ha ha haa!
Clara: Alright, I don't know what the hell this is about, but the hug is really nice.

Because the traveling is starting to feel like running away.


Rusty: Victory is yours, but it does not please you?
The Doctor: You looked inside me and you saw hatred. That's no victory. Victory would've been a good Dalek.
Rusty: I am not a good Dalek. You are a good Dalek.

Doctor Who Quotes

You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? You're going to fire me at a planet and expect me to fix it?

Doctor Who

I made you a souffle, but it was too beautiful to live.
