These are Christmas hats. I've seen people use them. You put them on and absolutely everything seems funny.

The Doctor

The Doctor: The TARDIS is sitting outside.
Clara: So?
The Doctor: So all of time and all of space is sitting out there in a big, blue box. Please, don't even argue.
Clara: [Kisses The Doctor on the cheek] Merry Christmas, Doctor.
The Doctor: Merry Christmas Clara Oswald.

What have we got? What do we know? It's not an attack. It's not an invasion because, well that doesn't come with a fair warning. So, somebody needs our attention. Somebody who needs to put a gun to our heads to make us listen.


The Doctor: Davros is the child of war. A war that wouldn't end. A thousand years of fighting till nobody could remember why. So Davros, he created a new kind of warrior. One that wouldn't bother with that question. A mutant in a tank, that would never ever stop. And they never did.
Clara: The Daleks?

The Doctor: Skaro! You brought me to Skaro.
Davros: Where does an old man go to die, but with his children?
Clara: What's Skaro?
Missy: The beginning. Where it all started. This is the planet of the Daleks.

The Doctor: Why have I ever let you live?
Davros: Compassion Doctor. It has always been your greatest indulgence.

He's trapped in the heart of the Dalek empire. He's a prisoner of the creatures who hate him most in the universe.


We need to trap and kill a Dalek. You're the bait, I'm the hook.


I didn’t come here because I’m ashamed – a bit of shame never hurt anyone. I came because you’re sick, and you asked.

The Doctor

In a way, this is why I gave her to you in the first place; to make you see. A friend inside the enemy, the enemy inside the friend. Everyone’s a bit of both. Everyone's a hybrid.


We are fighting an unknown homicidal force, underwater, in a nuclear reactor.

The Doctor

The Doctor: Tell me, what about those things out there? What are they? Why are they trying to kill us?
Bennett: Well, they're... they're ghosts.
The Doctor: They're not ghosts.

Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.