Joan: You're going to harass a teenage boy at his fathers memorial while he's mourning?
Sherlock: If he's the killer than he won't be mourning.

It doesn't matter when I made the assumption, all that matters is that I was right.


Holmes: Bella, one member of a murder conspiracy is in jail. The second walks free. The cost of catching him is incarcerating his brother for unrelated crimes. Crimes for which I, of all people, should have some understanding. Is it right to let the second man walk free?
Bella: I don't understand the question. Can I have more information?

I don't understand the question. Could I have more information?


[after whip crack] Cause when you're night ends with a dead man and a chem suit, why not start your morning with a live unfolding of a bull whip.


[To Sherlock] Moriarity said you was obsessed with puzzles... Well, he's the best puzzle you'll ever come across. If you kill me now, you'll be killing the best clue you ever had.


Coming in here this morning was like walking into a nightmare that I thought I stopped having a long time ago.


Sherlock: Bella, one member of a murder conspiracy is in a jail. The second walks free. The cost of catching him is incarcerating his brother for unrelated crimes. Crimes for which I, of all people, should have some understanding. Is it right to let the second man walk free?
Bella: I don't understand the question. Can I have more information.

God only knows if she retained copies. But rest assured, I shall demand all of them when she returns from her Danish sabbatical slash sex-capade.


I know she doesn't want you to talk about it to anyone in any official capacity. But you should talk about it. Perhaps to someone whose secrets you've agreed to keep.


I know about poisons Watson, actually all about them. Over the past few years I've come to learn the worst kind, Guilt.


Sherlock: Most importantly, he understands you. He understands you and me.
Watson: What do you mean by that?
Sherlock: I mean, Watosn, whether you care to admit it lately or not, I am an important part of your life. Whether I say it out loud or not, you are an important part of mine. My return to New York was driven in large part by my desire to repair our relationship. I think even though we might draw further or nearer from each other, depending on circumstance, you and I are bound, somehow. Andrew accepts that without feeling needlessly threatened. It's a rather enlightened position.

Elementary Quotes

Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't hate my job.
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks mean it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

Watson: How do you do it, guess things?
Sherlock: I observe and then I deduce.
Watson: How did you know I was a doctor, you said you could tell from my hands.
Sherlock: Hand, singular. It was soft no calluses.
Watson: How did you know my father had an affair?
Sherlock: Google. Not everything is deducible.