Okay, try this. Hit up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start; then we'll have unlimited lives.


Peter: If radio DJs have taught me anything about radio, it's that you gotta do two things: turn it up and rip the knob off!

Tom Tucker: So the Griffins might be dead, how does that make you feel?
Consuela: Griffin dead? I take. (Picks up house from foundation, drags behind her)

Brian: I think, I think we're launching!
Lois: Oh my god, everyone strap yourselves in! Stewie, hold my hand.
Stewie: No thanks, I prefer to die giving you the finger.
Peter: If this is what it takes to get out of Florida, fine.

Look at this, Lois. A week ago we called him stupid, and now he's giving tours of the space shuttle.


Peter: On the way back, we're stopping at that Down syndrome camp we passed.
Lois: Peter, that was the University of Florida.

This is a Hamilton Beach blender we got on our wedding day. It keeps coming back to us in a vicious regifting cycle.


Oh by the way, there's a baby in my preschool with HIV, and my teacher gave you something to sign to get him kicked out.


Stop making fun of me! I just wanted to listen to you guys having sex, but you were saying mean things about me!


TV Narrator: We now return to Breaking Bad. (hypnotic music plays) You will recommend Breaking Bad to everyone you know.
Peter: I will recommend Breaking Bad to everyone I know.
TV Narrator: Breaking Bad is the best show you've ever seen except maybe The Wire.
Peter: Breaking Bad is the best show I've ever seen except maybe The Wire.
TV Narrator: You will never stop talking about Breaking Bad or The Wire.
Peter: I will never stop talking about Breaking Bad or The Wire.

Family Guy Season 11 Episode 9 Quotes

Stop making fun of me! I just wanted to listen to you guys having sex, but you were saying mean things about me!


TV Narrator: We now return to Breaking Bad. (hypnotic music plays) You will recommend Breaking Bad to everyone you know.
Peter: I will recommend Breaking Bad to everyone I know.
TV Narrator: Breaking Bad is the best show you've ever seen except maybe The Wire.
Peter: Breaking Bad is the best show I've ever seen except maybe The Wire.
TV Narrator: You will never stop talking about Breaking Bad or The Wire.
Peter: I will never stop talking about Breaking Bad or The Wire.