Peter: Peter: My hog cannot partake in the slop this evening.

Whose leg do you gotta gagoosh to get an Amaretto around here?


Quagmire: What was Simon without Garfunkel?
Peter: Wildly successful?

Chris: So did you get a lot of trim on the road?
Peter: Chris, that's wildly inappropriate

Meg, could you zip up your fly? That's kind of wafting over here.


[meditating] I can be Giggity. I can be Goo.


Dammit Brian, you can't die! We were gonna do so many things together! We were gonna become windsurfers! I was gonna be a little better than you, but we were both gonna be good.


Peter: Aren't you supposed to be running?
Chicken: Don't talk to me. You have a bad reputation in the chicken community.

Lois: Last night was the best sex I ever had.
Peter: Me too. We haven't done it like that since we were engaged, but allowed to sleep with other people.
Lois: What are you talking about?

Man: You renounced your citizenship?
Peter: Oh, I did that on the Italian "Shut-up-a-You-Facebook."

Meg: Chris, you have my back, right?
Chris: I don't know. [lifts up his shirt and sees his back covered with bacne] Yeah.

Meg: He's going to kill me! I can already picture my funeral!
[cutaway to a graveside service, Peter runs in and throws Meg's dead corpse under another casket]
Peter: Thanks, didn't want to pay for the hole.

Family Guy Season 12 Quotes

Chris: Why are your nipples poking into me?!
Meg: Sorry! That happens when I'm cold.
Chris: But why are there THREE of them?!
Meg: They're aren't! Two of them are moles.
Chris: Those numbers still don't add up!

I want you on my team for everything... except for sports.

Peter [to Lois]