Sorry, got distracted. There are a lot of rats in London.


Dr. Pritchfield: You seem to have a lot of opinions about things.
Stewie: Yeah, there are a lot of dicks.

I hope he didn't get cancer all over the seat.


After five minutes you think you know me?


Quahog. What a pile of garbage.


When I was in the orphanage, my Sunday school shoes were potatoes.

Dr. Pritchfield

Stewie: Brian, I did something awful.
Brian: Do you want to talk about it?
Stewie: No.

Chris: I can't tell if they have a really strong marriage or a really bad one.
Meg: I feel like it's weird but strong. Like Danny Trejo.

I've been touched by greatness. I'll never watch this hand again. This is the best thing that happened to me since I became a wise-cracking, fourth wall breaking superhero.

Peter [after touching Boo Berry]

Brian [about Fast and Furious movies]: So what's the plot?
Stewie: Oh. So you don't understand these movies.

Brian: Quagmire? What are you doing here?
Quagmire: Oh, I have an all-access pass to anything sex related in this town.

What's the matter, Brian? Have you fallen and can't get up?


Family Guy Season 16 Quotes

Griffins let's make this an Emmy-winning episode, so get all your pukes and farts out now.


Peter: Family Guy has been around since 1999 and whenever it's time for the Emmy's they never give us one. I'm sick of it.
Lois: Well, I'm not making another episode with The Simpsons. What did that get us? I'll tell you what that got us. More ink for The Simpsons.