Cafeteria Kid: Your dog wrote an insensitive Tweet. You can't eat here.
Chris: Uh oh, Meg. It's a sensitivity mob.
Meg: It was just a joke.
Cafeteria Girl: There's no such things as jokes anymore.
Other Cafeteria Boy: Yeah, we live in a post-joke world.

Lois: What were you thinking writing that Tweet?
Brian: What? It was just a joke.
Lois: Brian, it's not 2005. You can't just go online and say whatever you want.

Angela: You're fired, Griffin, for destroying company property.
Peter: Tell it to my tongue.

Opera music makes violence classy.


Wouldn't it be great if Wes Anderson movies were that short?


Stop trying to be a clock. You ain't got the face for it.


Carter: Can I turn off everything but the blacklights?
DJ: Sure, I don't care about anything
Carter: Cool.
Chris: Wow. This place is gross.
Carter: Yeah. The NBA All-Star Game was in town last week.

Meg: Hey there, sailor.
Seamus: What are you doing here?
Meg: Well, sometimes I come here to think and fart.

Cleveland: I also have a fat, weird boy. Would you like a hug?
Peter: Yes. Birthdays are the hardest.

I took an oath. If mail touches me, I have to deliver it.


Mort: What a generous gift.
Carter: I know. Isn't money great?
Mort: Oh, it's the best.

Stop it right there, Lois. This is Family Guy. We only do the male side of the joke.


Family Guy Season 16 Quotes

Griffins let's make this an Emmy-winning episode, so get all your pukes and farts out now.


Peter: Family Guy has been around since 1999 and whenever it's time for the Emmy's they never give us one. I'm sick of it.
Lois: Well, I'm not making another episode with The Simpsons. What did that get us? I'll tell you what that got us. More ink for The Simpsons.