Peggy's boss: The word 'we' is a castle, hun, with a moat and a drawbridge. And you know what gets locked up in castles?
Peggy: Dragons?
Peggy's boss: Princesses. Don't be a prisoner of 'we.'

Molly: What's that?
Lou: Oh, Mama's doing Daddy's job again.
Molly: Go Mama!

Mike: Rock county. It's like--what's that town on the Flintstones? Is that where we are? [sing-songy] On the Flintstones.
Hank: All right, that's it, out of the car. All of ya.

Hank: What size shoes you boys wear?
Mike: Now that is a truly odd question. Last time I checked I was a 10. Boys?
[they each give the middle finger to Hank]
Mike: Now I'm gonna guess the boys are an 11, and not a 2, which would make them toddlers.

And isn't that a minor miracle? State of the world today and the level of conflict and misunderstanding. That two men could stand on a lonely road in winter and talk. Calmly and rationally. While all around them, people are losing their minds.


After WWII, we went six years without a murder here. Six years. These days... well, sometimes I wonder if you boys didn't bring that war home with you.


[about Otto] He's still the same lion inside.


Bear: Know thyself?
Dodd: What are you on about?
Bear: It's in the Bible.

Lou: Got the prints back on the gun, just before. Rye Gerhardt. [off Ben's look] That bad, huh?
Ben: I'm not saying your life would be easier if it was your own prints on the gun, but that's the lines along which you should be thinkin'.

That's when the son, Otto, he takes over, which is like "The good news is World War I is over, the bad news is say hello to Adolf Hitler."

Ben Schmidt

Peggy: My cousin had a melanoma. Didn't lose a single hair. Lost her eyebrows though.
Betsy: Now that'd be a horror show.

Lorne: Just one word: Yes or No?

Fargo Quotes

Chief: Aww. Heck. It's Sam Hess.
Cop: Who owns the trucking company?
Chief: With the two boys both dumb as a dog's foot

Lorne: Just one word: Yes or No?