Yes, but this is divorce. It's painful and sad and nobody wants to read about it.


Jake: Awwhh! That was a workout. Amazing!
Becca: Yeah, that was great.
Jake: Yeah that was great? It was a little more than great.
Becca: Yeah. It's always so physical, you know?
Jake: Yes! It's sex. By definition, physical.
Becca: No, I mean, we've never really made love, you know?
Jake: No. I don't know. Really?
Becca: Like, when you hearts are open and it's not just two bodies connecting. It's emotional. It's deep.
Jake: Yeah.
Becca: You've never felt like that before?
Jake: Sure I have. I mean we're still new. We'll get there.
Becca: Well, I feel it for you. I guess I'm just not getting it back.

But when I found out she was a pill-addicted shoplifter, I felt closer to her!


Lyla: No, no, no, no, no. I don't want your help. I asked you for one thing tonight: keep it simple. And on some childish whim you decide to have a theme night.
Annie: I think it made her feel very comfortable.
Lyla: It doesn't make anyone comfortable. It made me feel... Mom, I looked like an idiot. We all did. Just go to bed. Do something. Just get out.

Just go home and enjoy your revenge sex. Seriously, take him home, it's a school night.


Abby: Well trust me, no one in this club is your age, Lily.
Lily: Look who's talking.
Abby: That's it! We're done.

Abby: Holy shit!
Lily: Holy shit.

Phoebe: It's not all about PIV. Penis in vagina. With three people, there are exponentially more ways to get off, like TIV, VOV...
Abby: Alright!
Phoebe: And then of course, my favorite. PIB. Just don't knock it until you've tried it.

Sounds super awkward!


My friends are on to us. We should just come out to the world.


Abby: Classic story of married boy meets married girl and they get divorced and have terrible sex.
Ford: [chuckles] It is a classic.
Abby: When Harry Met Sally and Harry talked about pooping in his pants.
Ford: [chuckles] They should have made a sequel.

But I will say this, now that we are legally man and man and kid and kid, the shit gets real y'all. Ooo! Marriage, I mean, it's messy and it's hard and it ebbs and flows but that's because it is alive, and that is a good thing. That's what taking that vow is about, that when the fantasy is behind you, you look yourself in the eye and you say, 'I do.' I do, again and again. Max, I do. Always.


Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Quotes

Abby: Well, people know. I can tell. Eric Frank eye-banged me at drop off. He's like a divorce seeking missile.
Lyla: Yeah, well, he finger-banged Marjorie Davis so count yourself lucky.

Abby: You smell like sex.
Jake: Screw you.