Sometimes I feel like you just want to be married; but do you want to be married to me?


You don't understand. Dan is gone! We used to take care of each other and now he's probably going to take my children!


Figure out a way to dial it down. Take care of yourself so you're not taking it out on everybody else!


Mornings aren't for talking. They're for contemplating suicide.


Damon Cash: Wow. Your hands are pretty cramped. Do you use a computer at work?
Abby: Yeah. I tend to point a lot and make fists.

Wow. Either I'm way out of practice or you have a weird mouth.


I gotta tell you, I was actually really nervous we wouldn't have anything to talk about in person because we shared so much digitally.


I'm telling you, if Gayle had been hit by a car that weekend, I'd probably be in Aspen with Oprah right now.


You look like a lion tamer's assistant, only the lion ate your pants.


Nate: Wow! This is such a great reveal.
Abby: Reveal?
Nate: I left my wife.

What you're doing is actually more intimate. It's emotional infidelity and that is so brutal on the spouse, trust me. Ask Jake, or Nate's wife... or me.


No no no no. By all means, I apologize. I apologize for having a job. I'm sorry I make a substantial income to pay for your green-grocer, small-batched, locally-sourced, farm-to-table, ethically-butchered, hormone-free, gluten-intolerant bills. But. Here's the thing. I don't work, my kids don't go to school, so if you want to call and tell me tuition is free, I'd be happy to be here for story time and Arbor Day and kids' court and snack bar and talent night and the nose-picking Olympics and every other bullshit holiday that costs me a fortune, but if you're not gonna tell me it's free, then I gotta work. Because I'm a working mother with a boatload of mouths to feed. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss pertaining to my children? Don't call me in here again.


Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Quotes

Abby: Well, people know. I can tell. Eric Frank eye-banged me at drop off. He's like a divorce seeking missile.
Lyla: Yeah, well, he finger-banged Marjorie Davis so count yourself lucky.

Abby: You smell like sex.
Jake: Screw you.