Abby: That is terrifying and racist all at the same time. That's impressive.
Jo: I try my best.

OK, sweetie, I just stood up and took a giant crap and this is what came out. She hates me.


Jo: Oh OK. So I may be a dick. But I'm your dick.
Abby: I don't know what that means.
Jo: It means I miss the hell out of you. I'm still here.

Ford: You're the one who flipped out and left because you can't handle the idea of flirting.
Max: I'm sorry that I don't want to flirt with some random guy.
Ford: I was trying to be adventurous.

Hey, I may be a mess, but I know who I am. I don't go around worrying about walk and ride or talk and ride or look and ride or any of that crap, but look at you. You played it safe, right? And your life is in the shitter!


Abby: I know this sounds like a cliche, but do you sometimes feel like you could just get into a way back machine
Jo: Constantly.

[to Charlie] You can tell your little friend Chad he's a big asshole. You want a beer?


So, does the boss make you dress like the Artful Dodger or is this a choice?


Jake: Is it bathsalts? Cause I've seen it and they, they start eat each others faces! We have to stop it...
Abby: They soaked tampons in vodka!
Phoebe: No. No way.
Abby: Yes way. First they started drinking and then they didn't want the calories...Jade's idea! I told you...
Jake: Hold on, hold on. So what you're saying is...
Abby: Their vaginas are on fire!

I'll give you a hundred dollars if you punch Becca in the boob.


Good. I'm working on a new Phoebe and new Phoebe doesn't like to be taken advantage of by people she cares about.


It's just all about youknowwho. It's like I invited Princess Jasmine and then I killed her.


Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce Season 1 Quotes

Abby: Well, people know. I can tell. Eric Frank eye-banged me at drop off. He's like a divorce seeking missile.
Lyla: Yeah, well, he finger-banged Marjorie Davis so count yourself lucky.

Abby: You smell like sex.
Jake: Screw you.