It's definitely my genetic material.

Adam [about the tooth necklace]

Hello my name is Marnie Michaels. I am prominently featured in many of Hannah's essays.


If you don't tell me what you're sick with I can't help you. And furthermore, I can't care.


You should feel very confident because I am a lot better at this when I'm not in the middle of an Obsessive Compulsive Meltdown.


It was like 3 pumps, 2 and a half pumps and then I lost my boner.


You don't wanna know me.

Adam [to Hannah]

I don’t wanna do it and it’s really liberating to say no to shit you hate.


No wonder truckers do cocaine, this is boring as hell.


Marnie: Since when is Jessa even a drug addict?
Hannah: She’s really just a life addict.

Why is everyone struggling in New York? Why don't we all just move here and start the revolution?


I’m really really not hungry so I guess just order me a short stack of pancakes and some turkey bacon, but I guess if they don’t have turkey bacon get me regular bacon. And a milkshake.


I wouldn't even sleep with a cater waiter and they're my age.


Girls Quotes

Ok I think I got everything, testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch.


Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.