Surf School Employee: OK, but you can swim, right? Because it's kind of a liability issue if you can't.
Hannah: I can 100% swim. I have a fun sense of humor.

Hannah: I don't think you need to take an acting class, baby.
Elijah: Thank you! I'm gonna fuck my way to the middle.

Marnie: How many people even come to an orgy?
Elijah: Well, I don't want to brag, but Pablo only really invites the "elite," usually from the Broadway sphere. So it'll be small, probably like 15. I think it's gonna be a really good way for me to network.

I read Shailene Woodley likes to go to a private area, open her vagina, let the sun in, and that's how she gets her glow. So when she goes to, like, the Insurgent premiere, that's not makeup, that's sun in her pussy.


It definitely was not easy, and I definitely feel like I'm more of, like, a dumpling than a woman at this point.


There's a typo. Mm. Sloppy.


I'm Hannah forever. No matter what I do, no matter whether I start a new nuclear missile crisis with my emotions, or I sit back and chill and give someone a fruit basket, I can only control the mayhem that I create around me. But the crazy thing is, when I showed up, I heard screaming and I heard my name and I heard madness. And I knew that I was free. At least for tonight. That's all. Thank you.


Y'know, people hate me. I'm a hateable kind of person. I don't know why, I can't help it, maybe it's because I have a big ass and good hair but I know, I know that I have principles and one thing I don't do is steal people's boyfriends. But you ruin that. Don't you see that?! I'll never forgive you. I will NEVER forgive you for that. We could die in the same bed and I will never forgive you.


Marnie: I had a love dream about you.
Ray: What the fuck is a love dream?
Marnie: I love you. It can't be you. It just... It can't. It can't be you.
Ray: I think it might be me, Marn. I really do.

I need to see how other people see me, because it's the only way that I can see myself.


Elijah: I'm like three beers away from trying to fuck you.
Loreen: Apparently you're my type.

Dill, I know you would never admit this to yourself, but don't you want to be with somebody who sees you for you? Beyond all this. I'm the only person who's gonna be honest with you about your bad jokes and the fact that, no, you don't look better with a shaved head. And if you say your private life is private and go and see Cher in Las Vegas, that's not the same thing as coming out of the closet. But all those guys you have around, all those fucking guys you just have... they're only going to tell you what you want to hear, and they're going to cater to you because of your fame and the stuff that you have. I don't want your stuff. You're going to end up with nothing, and you deserve everything. Dill, don't you want to be with someone who sees you for you? Don't you want a boyfriend-someone? Who's honest?


Girls Quotes

Ok I think I got everything, testicles, spectacles, wallet, and watch.


Jessa: It's pot, do you want some?
Shoshanna: Oh no, I'm hyper enough already.