Hey criminals. No need to hide that.

Stan [to the girls]

Sara: How's this gonna work?
Ruby: How's what gonna work?
Sara: How's Daddy supposed to be a cop again?
Ruby: What do you mean?
Sara: He'll have to arrest you. I mean, right? Like at some point.

Beth: We're just torturing ourselves.
Ruby: Why did you take all this?
Beth: I couldn't leave it there.
Ruby: Why not?
Beth: Her phone was ringing. Someone would know something horrible happened.
Ruby: Something horrible did happen.
Beth: And we just stood there and watched.

Ruby: What are we gonna do?
Beth: Print.

  • Permalink: Print.
  • Added:

Beth: This is your fault!
Rio: You, me, we. It's just business.

Beth: Which one is it?
Mick: I didn't bury her.

Beth: You know he can't be a cop again, you know that right?
Ruby: What am I gonna do?

Max: Have you ever been dumped?
Beth: I married my first boyfriend.
Max: Then you don't know.

Annie: I'm just scared.
Dr. Cohen: Of what?
Annie: That if I died tomorrow, the only thing that people would remember about me was what was in my purse.

Beth: Anyone can run at printer, right? But you need these plates to make our money. So, if one of us disappear...?
Ruby: Why would we disappear?
Beth: When he's done with us.

Dean: I wasn't trying to make things worse.
Beth: I know.
Dean: I just, I really hate you being around that guy again.
Beth: Me too.
Dean: Really? So, what happened? Was he pissed?
Beth: Yeah.
Dean: I told you, he won't kill something he loves.
Beth: It's not me, though.
Dean: What is it?
Beth: Money.

Stan: Tell me where that remote is and we're good forever.
Ruby: Just don't give up on me.

Good Girls Season 3 Quotes

Annie: These are microscopic inconsistencies. It's close enough.
JT: Okay, boo. Close enough'll get you ten to twenty in the state pen.

Annie: Freezing out here. Have to slice up a horse and crawl in Revenant style.
Ruby: Where you gonna find a horse?
Annie: Fine. A big dog.