Beth: You can not finish that plate.
Lucy: He said he'd let me go.
Beth: He won't. Trust me.

Beth: I want to make it very clear, that we have hit a new low, even for us. And once you cross over, you don't come back the same.
Ruby: Do it already. We've done worse.

Stan: Come on, Ruby.
Ruby: Wait, you're mad at me now?
Stan: When you lie, you sleep like a queen. We're just lucky she knows the difference.

Beth: I am so sorry I brought you into this.
Lucy: Why did you?
Ruby: Okay, let me lay it out for you, Lucy. The piece of paper that you found in the dumpster, shredded. That's going to be us.
Annie: Yeah. Except you won't be able to tape us back together again.

Dean: We can't go back.
Beth: He's gonna kill me.
Dean: You don't kill something you love.

Ruby: So, you just found God?
Sara: What?
Ruby: Game recognize game, peanut. I'm just saying.

Beth: Guys, I can't live like this.
Annie: Okay, okay. Here's what we do. We go to Canada, and get a baby.
Ruby: Get a baby?
Annie: Well, she said she's having his baby. We're gonna need a baby.

Beth: What do you think?
Rio: I think I need you alive.

I don't know what you do, but it doesn't come from painting nails.

Sara [to Ruby]

Beth: You're in therapy?
Ruby: Like physical therapy?
Annie: Why would I be in physical therapy?
Ruby: I don't know. Cuz of how you run.
Annie: What's wrong with how I run?

Dr. Cohen: Sometimes a hug is just a hug.
Annie: Okay. Thank you so much, Dr. Cohen.

Rio: What are you doing, Elizabeth?
Beth: I lost it.
Rio: When?
Beth: Does it matter?
Rio: Alright, then.
Beth: So, what comes next?
Rio: Nothing good.

Good Girls Season 3 Quotes

Annie: These are microscopic inconsistencies. It's close enough.
JT: Okay, boo. Close enough'll get you ten to twenty in the state pen.

Annie: Freezing out here. Have to slice up a horse and crawl in Revenant style.
Ruby: Where you gonna find a horse?
Annie: Fine. A big dog.