Callie: So what are you doing today?
Gael: Quitting my internship.

Malika: After the New Moon ceremony, Isaac asked me if I wanted to be in a relationship with you. I told him, no. But then I took him to therapy with me to tell him I lied, not that I'm assuming the feeling is mutual.
Dyonte: C'mon, you know it is.
Malika: And I also told him that I love him and that I wanted to be in a relationship with him too.
Dyonte: Of course, so what did he say?
Malika: I haven't heard from him since. The truth is, if he can't do this than neither can I.

Excuse me, I'm speaking!


Mariana: Do you even like this person or do you want them to like you?
Alice: What's the difference?

Tony: So, I know this is none of my business.
Callie: Nothing good ever comes after that sentence.
Tony: Fair, but the guy from the DA's office, Jamie? Is there something still going on there?
Callie: No. Honestly, I don't want to think about him or anyone else tonight.
Tony: I'm good with that.

Gael: Did I tell you that you look absolutely gorgeous tonight?
Callie: Did I tell you?

Tony: Why do you think Tommy is innocent?
Callie: I don't know. Just my intuition.

Kathleen: By the way, who told you I was being investigated by the FBI.
Callie: My ex, Jamie.
Kathleen: That makes sense. And remember, when they rattle you, you rattle them right back.

Therapist: It sounds like you feel a desire to have a relationship with both of these men.
Malika: Yeah, but I feel like it's wrong.
Therapist: Why?
Malika: Because I feel like I'm being selfish. Why can't one relationship be enough?
Therapist: Why does it have to be? Monogamy is just a social construct. We've been conditioned to value having one significant partner, but for many people, consensual non-monogamy feels more natural for them. Many people believe polyamory is an orientation or an identity, not simply a lifestyle choice, but it's hardwired into them.

So, what's the deal between you and the Ken doll?

Kathleen [to Callie]

Malika: I have feelings for someone else. A guy I work with. His name is Dyonte.
Therapist: And what do you find appealing about Dyonte?
Malika: He's kind and supportive. We have a similar story, he just woos me, I can't explain it. And I want to be close to him. He makes me happy.

Callie: I was told you were being investigated by the FBI. Is that true?
Kathleen: Probably. Feds don't like it when you beat them in court.Gives them a reason to open bullshit investigations about you.
Callie: So you're not surprised.
Kathleen: I haven't been surprised since my mom dropped dead.

Good Trouble Quotes

I thought the free toilet paper would be a nice perk. I had no idea how much people would overwipe. You wouldn't believe it. I hope you guys are eco-friendly.


Mariana: We're so lit.
Callie: We're pretty lit.
Both: We're straight up fire!