Callie: I was told you were being investigated by the FBI. Is that true?
Kathleen: Probably. Feds don't like it when you beat them in court.Gives them a reason to open bullshit investigations about you.
Callie: So you're not surprised.
Kathleen: I haven't been surprised since my mom dropped dead.

Our first murder case. This is big! We should get a picture.


Malika: I guess I'm here because everyone thinks I need to talk to someone.
Therapist: Who's everyone?
Malika: Well, uh, my boyfriend, Isaac, and a friend at work.
Therapist: And what do you think?
Malika: I think I'm a little confused.

Isaac: You interested in having a relationship with Dyonte?
Malika: No. Dyonte is my friend, and that's it. You are my man.

So Jamie, how'd you like to be third chair on this case?


Malika: So, raccoons aside, how did you feel about the new moon ceremony?
Isaac: I found it all illuminating.
Malika: In what way?
Isaac: You didn't seem too surprised when Dyontae said he was in a poly relationship. You knew?
Malika: Yeah, it's not a big deal.
Isaac: Why didn't you say anything to me then?
Malika: I didn't know that there was anything to say.
Isaac: So in the spirit of being open and honest, you interested in being in a relationship with Dyontae?

Raj: I'm sorry I tried to kiss you. I guess I thought all those questions about who I was dating you were jealous.
Mariana: It was a little part of me that was. You'll always be ... speaking of, I know that you and Claire are talking.
Raj: Just as friends.
Mariana: Well, just in case you're interested in being more than friends, she's interested too.
Raj: Setting me up. I guess we really are over.

Gael: You and I make a pretty good team.
Callie: We do.
Gael: It's fun having fun with you.
Callie: Same.

Callie: Do you have your phone?
Gael: No. Even when her eyes are closed, Malika's third eye is always watching.

Matt: So, did you invite me tonight to set me up with Gael?
Davia: Yeah, but I really like you too.
Matt: Thanks, I like you as well.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.

Where are you, you little trash bandit?


Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Wilson: Can I ask a favor?
Callie: Of course.
Wilson: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about my son -- that he's not studying abroad.
Callie: Actually, that night, I did mention that I had seen him. That's all I told them.