I could explain who Tamara is and why she was at my apartment last night, but the fact is, you feel something or you don't. If you're looking for an excuse to keep us apart, that's fine.


Emma: But you're perfect!
Blair: True.

Emma, I was thinking, where is the glory in bedding down with some dirty Manhattan hipster who's probably filming you on Nanny Cam?


Why do you keep eating those pot brownies, Manny? You know sugar makes you spazz.


So I checked out Gossip Girl and I'm thinking we hit Socialista before we get to Beatrice.


Don't forget, God always watching Miss Blair.


Every girl dreams about finding her Prince Charming. But if that prince refuses to come?

Dan: So he just got up and left, abruptly?
Blair: Like a Bass out of hell.

Aaron: Do you know how to weld?
Serena: Um, I've seen Flashdance several times?

Wow. Someone loves Chuck Bass.


Agnes: I mean, you can do whatever you want to do, but what do you think people will say when they see Jenny Humphrey has finally gone out on her own?
Jenny: I dunno... Jenny Humphrey is so young to have her own line?
Agnes: Or, too bad Jenny Humphrey's stuff looks exactly like Eleanor Waldorf's.

Agnes: Okay, seriously, you work your ass off, and for what? So Eleanor can rip off your ideas?
Jenny: No, Eleanor promised that I could be in the meetings with the buyers from Mendels and Barney's today.
Agnes: Just like she introduced you to the guy from Bloomingdale's.

Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Serena: Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her.
Chuck: Who told you that little piece of advice, your boyfriend Nate?
Serena: Nate didn't say anything ...
Chuck: Good. I don't think it's wise taking relationship advice from someone in a FAKE relationship. Call me crazy. (pause) Enjoy another night alone with your thoughts.
Serena: Good luck on your suicide mission!

Serena: I still miss Dan sometimes... more than sometimes.
Blair: The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey... is mourning Dan Humphrey.