Dan: I've come to the conclusion that I need to get out of my comfort zone. To experience some new things.
Chuck: Are you gay?

Dan: I know... we don't like each other. You think I'm a boring, sheltered nobody.
Chuck: I don't think of you.

It's like the plague. Only instead of vermin on my doorstep, I get the human being. Beat it, Humphrey. My sister doesn't dig stalkers.


Dan: You should put a bell on.
Chuck: Kinky. I'll think about it.

Blair: Are those Tory Burch's last-season flats?
Girl: ... I got them on sale?

The Met steps are totally under construction.


Sound the trumpet, strumpets!

Google revenge and you get BlairWaldorf.com.


Dan: But... why?
Chuck: They anoint Amanda into their fold, she'll be bound by their laws. Namely she won't be allowed to date ex-boyfriends. Namely you.

Chuck: She's not coming. Amanda.
Dan: What are you talking about?
Chuck: She met some new friends, they extended an invitation to her for lunch. Hockey sticks were involved. You know how persuasive our girls can be.

Nate: You crash the party, and tell me to break it off with Catherine. Then you pull a 180 and tell me to stay with her. And then you just bolt. I mean, did I do something? Or... what happened?
Vanessa: I'm late.
Nate: Oh so that's it. We're not even friends now?
Vanessa: We were never really friends, Nate.

Vanessa: Nate? What are you doing here?
Nate: You haven't returned my phone calls.
Vanessa: I've ... been busy.

Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.

Cheers to that, Blair. Nothing says welcome home like a bottle of bubbly... or a scandal bubbling.

Gossip Girl