[to Serena, about Blair/Marcus] So, she actually refers to him as The Lord?


Catherine: Charles Bass?
Chuck: [pauses] I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting anyone so young... or so beautiful.
Catherine: Just because I didn't give birth to Marcus doesn't mean I'm any less interested in his well-being.

Nate: They're obviously just trying to scare us to get me to rat out my Dad.
Vanessa: You do know where he is, right?
Nate: Yeah but... I couldn't. Not even after what he's done.
Vanessa: Just had to put it out there... But I promise if worse comes to worse, my sister and I can give your mom pointers on how to do more with less.
Nate: [laughs]

Dan: I was just thinking about... this morning... on the bus ...
Serena: Yeah, we didn't exactly stick to the plan, did we?

Serena: This could be a good opportunity for us to talk about things, I'm still kind of down about the breakup...
Blair: What is there to talk about? You're finally free of Downer Dan and I've got my old Serena back!

Serena: Well, if you can't find common ground with a dictator, I don't know who can.
Blair: Dan likes soccer, right? Or football, as Marcus calls it? Think it would be too weird if he came?
Serena: Not... necessarily ...
Blair: Good, you'll call him?
Serena: Does this mean you actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?
Blair: As long as knows his arse from his Arsenal, I think he's aces.

Spotted, Chuck Bass putting his new BFF on speed dial. Is it the beginning of a beautiful bro-mance? Or the end of Blair's bid to be British?

Marcus: No one's ever good enough. I've dated a lot of top-flight girls and she always sends them running. She gets inside their heads, figures out their worst fears and then ...
Chuck: ... ruthlessly exploits that fear. Sounds rough.

Rufus: Does this place actually serve coffee, or what?
Vanessa: Yes, it does!

Nate: No offense, but don't you think you're a little outmatched?
Chuck: At squash? I've been playing my father since 8th grade, how good can Marcus be?
Nate: No, I mean as a guy. Blair wants to be a princess and your greatest achievement is owning PART of a burlesque club.
Chuck: Which is why I have to get to know him. No one is that perfect. Once I get him outta the way, I'll have a clear shot with Blair.
Nate: You know it's love when you start talking like an assassin.
Chuck: I think you're jealous of my new best friend!

Cheers to that, Blair. Nothing says welcome home like a bottle of bubbly... or a scandal bubbling.

[leaving voicemail] Nate, it's Catherine. Last night... was not smart. In fact, it was very, very stupid. Which is why we're going to have to be much more clever when we get back to the city. Call me when you get this.


Gossip Girl Season 2 Quotes

Serena: Blair will never forgive you for what you did to her.
Chuck: Who told you that little piece of advice, your boyfriend Nate?
Serena: Nate didn't say anything ...
Chuck: Good. I don't think it's wise taking relationship advice from someone in a FAKE relationship. Call me crazy. (pause) Enjoy another night alone with your thoughts.
Serena: Good luck on your suicide mission!

Serena: I still miss Dan sometimes... more than sometimes.
Blair: The only thing lamer than dating Dan Humphrey... is mourning Dan Humphrey.