Evan: Hey Case, how's it going?
Casey: Not great. People either don't know why they should register, don't know why they should register now, or they think that I'm a front for Scientology. It was so much easier getting signatures for the Undie Run.
Rebecca: You're telling me college students are more into getting naked than voting? I'm shocked!

Beaver: I think my turtle just died. Nope, just pooped.
Other KT: Maybe the lighter weight will speed him up. Less wind resistance.
Beaver: Or maybe that's just part of his strategy, like James Bond so that everyone behind him'll spin out on his poop slick.

Casey: Let me tell you something, Joel. Slimeballs like you are the reason why politics suck. Everybody's in it for what they can get. You know what? You're not getting me. I'm not having sex with you.
Other Campaigner: So are we all still going back to your apartment for the debriefing?
Casey: Wait, you're going back to his apartment too? All of you? Please say you're planning some really weird orgy.

Cappie: You're Casey Cartwright, you can do anything you want. That's how I know you're going to go to Washington and you're going to be amazing.
Casey: Ok even if I could, what about us? What about -
Cappie: Graduation?
Ashleigh: Oh my God, he said it!
Casey: You'll never leave here, you love it too much.
Cappie: I do love it here, but I don't think I could be anywhere that didn't have you.
Ashleigh: Awww
Cappie: We'll be fine. So go get that job. I'd kiss you for luck but I've got beef stick breath.

Casey: You're ready to jump back on the dating horse again?
Ashleigh: I'm ready to ride that horse like a bucking bronco.

Tell me again, why are you crop-dusting my room with lemon scented cancer chemicals?


Calvin: You asked out Rebecca Logan?
Evan: Actually she asked me.
Grant: So if she pays do you have to put out?
Evan: Uh, only if I order steak.

We need to help each other before the game, work with each other during the game, and shower with each other after the game.


Katherine: Saw you guys rehearsing with some KTs, your partner perhaps?
Natalie: It's nice to know some houses aren't concerned with winning blue ribbon points.
Casey: Well, we' figure you've already slept with all the umpires...

But i must warn you, what we lack in physical ability, we make up for in heart. And our hearts are set on crushing the Omega Chis at all things crushable.


Evan relax about the game and everything else. Rebecca, don't mess with people's emotions. Ash, there will be plenty of time to flirt when we're not in the middle of an inning. Now everyone get back to their positions, ok? (To Evan) And strike out my boyfriend!


Cappie: 'You will succeed where others fail.' Sounds like after three years I'm finally getting into Human Sexuality Class.
Casey: What is the big deal with that class anyway?
Cappie: An entire class dedicated to sex, complete with pictures of lady parts and man-business? I won't look at the lady parts if you don't want me to though.
Casey: Aw you'd do that for me?
Cappie: Except that just leaves man business, so that's weird.

Greek Season 3 Quotes

Kill her then have sex with her - it's the Kappa Tau way.


I do not go to the gym five times a week for my health!
