Natalie, shouldn't you be protecting your pot of gold?


Casey: Maybe what you guys need is a common enemy. Cappie, who do the Kappa Taus hate the most?
Cappie: Ryan Seacrest - oh no, no, no, wait, wait, Officer Huck
Casey: And who do the Omega Chis hate the most?
Cappie: Liberals?

We're all going to go to girl jail like those prison movies my boyrfriend watches!


We'll know if we did it, when we get in trouble for it, but until then, we say nothing!


Evan: Hey, so you going home this weekend?
Cappie: Nah, my parents don't believe in celebrating Thanksgiving. They side with the Native Americans - and the turkey, as vegetarians.

I care about old people! I watch Desperate Housewives!


You don't want to prank the Omega Chis? It's like bizarro Cappie!


Cappie: I had the opportunity to be with her and my "friend" talked me out of it.
Rusty: Maybe this friend doesn't have your best interest in mind. Maybe he's just looking out for himself.

No Omega Chi is stepping foot in this house without getting pounded - with my fist - in the face - I don't know...


Cappie: I want to try this again. I want to be with you.
Casey: I want to be with you too.

Evan: You know some people appreciate my sense of humor.
Ashleigh: Some people appreciate Crocs.

Casey: But why would we even want to party with Gamma Psis? They stole our table at Dobbler's, and apparently our social life - besides they're kinda weird.
Ashleigh: I don't care if they're serial killers, they're number one. If we get them, we get the guys. It worked with Janet Gunderson.
Casey: Your dorky friend with the monobrow in 7th grade?
Ashleigh: She befriended me and became popular by association - and then I introduced her to tweezers and she stole my boyfriend - see? It's perfect! We are Janet Gunderson - the Gamma Psis are twelve year-old me and we become number one by association!
Casey: I don't think that's how it works...

Greek Season 3 Quotes

Kill her then have sex with her - it's the Kappa Tau way.


I do not go to the gym five times a week for my health!
