Teddy: How could you do this to her?
Nathan: I don't know. We were fighting and--
Teddy: You were fighting so you propose to her using your side piece's jewelry?

Owen: Riggs never said anything. All this time.
Megan: Yeah, well. He's a good guy.

And just for the record, you judgemental jackass, I cheated on Nathan first!


Owen: Do you think we got this wrong? Made the wrong decison?
Amelia: No, but I wish I did.

If I had that much money, I wouldn't be here. I'd buy a boat, a big boat.


Alex: Since when do you have a sister?
Jackson: Uh, since Richard married my mom. His daughter Maggie. C'mon guys.
Owen: Barely. He still calls her Pierce.
Jackson: I mean we had dinner. We call that family dinner.
Ben: Yeah, no. Maggie is not your sister.
Owen: Right. It's like Amelia caling Maggie her sister.
Andrew: Wait, they're not sisters?
Ben: No!
Jackson: OK. Wait a second, you, you consider Meredith your sister though?
Alex: No, no. She's like family, but I don't call her my sister.
Jackson: Right, you wouldn't, like, sleep with her.
All the guys: Whoa! What, no?
Alex: Who said anything about sleeping together?!
Jackson: Who...who's ready for grilling?

April: How dumb do you have to be to do something like that for a guy? Is it really that hard to find a boyfriend who isn't in jail?
Arizona: She's only 18 and she's already shot herself over a man.

Arizona: I broke up with Carina.
April: What?
Arizona: By accident.

Bailey: Did that girl really put a gun in her?
Maggie: Holster? Yeah.

Owen: What's your specialty?
Carina: Orgasms.

I'm going to file for divorce from Paul.


Danielle, did you put a gun in your vagina?!


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
