I'm not here to learn this surgery, Dr. Bailey. I'm here to learn you.


Oh, wow. It's Schmitt and Helm. It seems like just yesterday he was dropping his glasses into an abdomen.


You never wanted to cure me. You wanted to cure Alzheimer's.


I need to know what happened, now.


When I was sick, I had a dream, or what I thought was a dream. I dreamt about Derek on the beach, and it felt so real. It felt like it wasn't a dream. It felt like he's here, like he's been with me this whole time. Like he might be with me now, and today I'm doing this groundbreaking surgery, and it's exactly the type of thing that he would love to do. And in the past, that would've made me sad, but somehow I think he might just be here, hovering over me, watching the whole thing soaking it all in, and that makes me happy.


Mer: And your plan was to leave without saying goodbye?
Hayes: Yeah.
Mer: Why?
Hayes: Because if I said goodbye to you, Grey, I would never leave.

You were right. This is fun!


You publicly humiliated me in a hospital that I worked in for over 30 years!


You respect him. I love him.


Teddy, it's Owen. He's rash and stupid.


You three are the closest things I have to, well, you know ...


Jo: Link, I, we shouldn't have sex.
Link: Oh, okay. Are you sure?
Jo: Yes.
Link: Okay.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
