Chin Ho: You ok Max?
Max: [drops make-shift dagger and nods]

This is Machiyo Takeshita, my biological mother and the Trash man's second victim.


Max: Five-O once asked me to reopen a case, now I am asking the same. Please.
Chin Ho: Alright, I know one of the original detectives from the Trash man Case.

Did I say I was jumping on any local customs Don Ho? No I did not.


Danny: Sit down, don't stand up again.
Cal: Look I was working last night, you can check with my manager.
Danny: Ok, I'm going to check with your manager and if I find out you're lying to me, I'm going to come back here and put you in a mayonnaise jar.

Chin Ho: Hey, where's McGarrett?
Danny: He left a "Dear Danny" note on my desk this morning, he's off looking for Shelburn again.

Kono: Mr. March, I'm gonna need that diamond.
March: The diamond? [holds up hand with diamond] Well, can't blame a guy for trying.

Listen, last time I saw you, I broke a couple of bones in your face. You ever mention my daughter again, I'll come back here and break every single bone in your body.


Chin Ho: Why wouldn't they snatch Mary at the airport?
Danny: Because they were more worried about the diamond smugglers than they were about us.
Fryer: Let's make them worry about us.

Steve: That anonymous call about Mary and the diamonds doesn't add up.
Danny: There are a lot of things about this case that don't add up. I'm sorry that I didn't believe Mary's story, but could you please quit driving this car like it's stolen?

Kono: The airline gave us her cell phone number, but it goes straight to voice mail.
Steve: That makes sense right? If she's been kidnapped.
Danny: You trying to convince us or yourself?
Steve: Maybe a little of both.

You can't own a wave, and while we are on the subject; Spam is not part of any food group that I care to recognize and last but not least, an appetizer should never ever, under any circumstances be referred to as "poo poo."


Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

I just wanted to tell you I'm so sorry, so sorry.

Danny [to Marie]

Dealer: Game's closed unless you have an invitation.
Grover [holding up his badge]: Here's my invitation. It's even engraved.