[Quinn] nearly died last year in Berlin and I managed to save him. But… [getting emotional] the way he’s been acting the past few months, it’s as if he wants to finish the job. So I brought him into our home because I can’t go through that again. I can’t lose another one.


CARRIE: The only way to bring down Dar is by prosecuting the breach in the Berlin station under the Espionage Act.
SAUL: The breach itself was me. I was in the middle of it. I was the one involved with a Russian spy. […] Everything I’ve done. My entire career will be wiped out. All anyone will remember is that.
CARRIE: Keane is not ungrateful; she promised you a pardon.
SAUL: What about the Agency?
CARRIE: The Agency has survived worse.
SAUL: Not when the president wants it gone, which Keane does. You’re aware of that, right?
CARRIE: Maybe you shouldn’t have been fucking a Russian mole.
SAUL: Well, coming from someone who fucked a guy in a suicide vest, that means a lot.

QUINN: You tried to kill me. [pointing gun at Dar]
DAR: I would never hurt you, Peter. You know that.
QUINN: I don’t.
DAR: I got you out of lock-up.
QUINN: So you knew where I was.
DAR: In a safe place. That was the point. My God, I flew Astrid in all the way from Berlin to take care of you.
QUINN: Astrid is dead.
DAR: Listen to me, we can figure this out together [walks towards Quinn], like we always have.
DAR: I raised you Peter. You are my child. More than that. I would never hurt you. Never. I love you. That’s the God’s honest truth.

DAR: They said it couldn’t be done. The president-elect could not be moved. That’s what they said. But she has been, finally. And I owe it all to you.
JAVADI: You still love it, don’t you?
DAR: Victory?
JAVADI: The game.
DAR: Ha! Come on. You do, too.
JAVADI: Nah. I’m done. The second I get the other half of the money, I’m gone.
DAR: [Doorbell rings] Oh, I was unable to mention this earlier, but our partners in Mossad came to me when they found out you were in the country.
JAVADI: I kept my part of the bargain, now it’s time for you to keep yours.
DAR: But Mossad made the case that the head of the IRGC has a lot to tell them. Unfortunately, I couldn’t convince anyone they were wrong.

QUINN: My dreams have a realness. My realness, realness… [struggles for word]
ASTRID: Reality.
QUINN: My reality has a dreaminess. And my thoughts keep disappearing.

SAUL: What the hell’s going on?
JAVADI: You really don’t know, do you? My God Saul, you have lost your powers. [Saul grabs him] Get your hands off me!
SAUL: Tell me, goddamn it! Why, Majid?
JAVADI: Because I don’t want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. Sorry, old friend.
SAUL: Sorry? Dar? You reached out to Dar Adal?
JAVADI: I bet on a horse. In the end, I went with the sure thing.

O’KEEFE: You can’t let us down. […] You were the only one who was actually out on patrol that night.
RUDY: I know that, but my head’s a mess. […] Why now? What’s the point now?
O’KEEFE: Because people need to know the truth. Because Andrew Keane was the opposite of a hero and because his mother is the most dangerous person to ever set foot in the White House. Now we can’t just stand by and watch her gut our armed forces, abandon our closest allies, and cede control to the world government, can we?
RUDY: No sir.

ASTRID: Are you going to be able to do this? Live out here? Make a life for yourself?
QUINN: In truth, I don’t know.
ASTRID: You going to try?
QUINN: Yeah.
ASTRID: You’re different than you were. You have to accept that.
QUINN: I keep hoping I’m not, but I know I am.

DAR: You grew up in a hard school, no time for self-pity. It’s the first thing about you that impressed.
QUINN: Not the first thing.
DAR: Yeah, well, we’re all beautiful when we’re young, aren’t we?
QUINN: Fucking dirty old man.
DAR: Fair enough. For the record, though, I never forced myself on anyone.

DAR: You were in a coma, Peter, a deep coma. Carrie ordered the doctors to wake you up. She did this despite repeated warnings about the risks of the procedure. She thought you might have information on the terror cell that was plotting the attack on Hauptbahnhof. She was wrong.
QUINN: What risks?
DAR: The main one was massive cerebral hemorrhage. Stroke. You think she’s been taking care of you all these months out of love? Sounds a lot more like guilt if you ask me.

CARRIE: [Sekou’s] family was distraught, I had to get over there.
LONAS: And that’s when you left Franny with Mr. Quinn?
CARRIE: I had to go and there was no one else. Plus, Franny adores Quinn.
LONAS: I just got off the phone with the V.A.. I understand that Mr. Quinn suffers from bouts of rage and depression, including violent outburst.
CARRIE: He hated it at the V.A..
LONAS: So you moved him into your house?

JUDGE: Can you explain what you were doing in your daughter’s room, with a loaded gun?
CARRIE: I had reason to fear for my safety, Your Honor, and Franny’s.
JUDGE: Why didn’t you call the police?
CARRIE: I used to work for the CIA. I’ve been trained to handle firearms and deal with threatening situations. […] The last time the police came to my house, things didn’t turn out so well.
JUDGE: So you’re saying you can handle a dangerous situation better than the police?

Homeland Quotes

Carrie: I missed something once before. I won't, I can't let that happen again.
Saul: It was ten years ago. Everyone missed something that day.
Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Carrie: Because Abu Nazir is playing the long game. This way no one expects a thing.
Saul: Except you?
Carrie: Except me.