Have you by any chance been taking advantage of our state's liberal marijuana laws?


Her life is like the whorey version of that movie, Memento.


Don't startle them. They're thinking.


Oh, Jackie. I made you a zombie, but I'd never make you a whore.


You saved me. All that sociopath swimming through your system, and you still found your way through. This brain... it's not who you are.


Son of a bitch, I ate the brains of a sociopath


Think for a second what you would do to get into a skull if you didn't work here. How would you do it? An ice pick's no good, you have to stab it a hundred times, and a handsaw works, but it takes forever. The best thing I've found is a rock.


Ravi: I hate to pry...
Liv: Said the man who keeps asking me for my urine samples.

There are already two zombies. Me and Blaine. Now there may be a third? Two's company, three's a horde.


First rule of brain club, you don't talk about brain club.


Liv: Why was I such a jerk?
Major: Who knows? It was just one of the many things I accepted because you're super hot. I'm kidding... to a degree.

Tito: I'm a quarter Cherokee
Liv: Yeah you are.

iZombie Quotes

Liv: Do you have any open sores in your mouth?
Major: Sexy.

  • Permalink: Sexy.
  • Added:

Oh, the humanity.
