Major: YOu didn't know?
Vaugh Du Clark: That you were doing the feather bed jig with my daughter? Um, no?
Blaine: Your...

  • Permalink: Your...
  • Added:

I am hungry like the wolf.


Liv: I'm optimistic.
Clive: No argument there.

Love makes you stupid.


You're a sick bitch and I just want you out, now. Because at midnight I'm gonna hunt down anything you left behind and burn it.


How weird that it took you two this long to finally meet!


Science is a marathon, not a sprint!


Someone should teach you how to humble brag. People might hate you less.


Shhh, the lying to save your life section comes later.


Clive: I'm gonna run this by Bozzio.
Ravi: If she bears your children, you'll start using her first name, right?

We did it! Zombie cure, here we come!


Buzzfeed teaches us that when a man abruptly changes his plans, he's up to no good.


iZombie Season 2 Quotes

Oh, the humanity.


Liv: Have you noticed that Finale Hope hates me?
Ravi: Her name is New Hope, not Final Hope. You know this. If I wanted to give her a depressing name, I would have gone with Phantom Menace.