Dutch: It's not working.
Zephyr: I don't tell you how to shoot. Don't tell me how to science.

John: Have showers always felt this good?
Dutch: I don't know, but that's your sixth. You can probably stop now.
John: Well, clearly, you haven't recently been infected by alien parasites. Lucky!

Dutch: I am not giving up hope.
John: I am.

Delle Sayeh: You really going to risk your child over Dutch?
D'avin: You really want to find out?

D'avin: [Sabine was] a Hullen sleeper agent. I weakened her Hullen side.
Delle Sayeh: Did you literally bore her into wishing she could die?
Pree: Actually, he banged the Green out of her.

Zephyr: What do you feel?
Delle Sayeh: Everything. And I hate every single minute of it.

Oh, oh! Mommy and Daddy! This can't be good.

John [to Dutch and D'avin]

I had no choice. I did what I had to do to save him. You're not the only one to love him, and you weren't there. So you don't get to judge.

D'avin [to Dutch]

Aneela: You almost died out there, but I saved you. You're welcome.
Dutch: I guess I'm not used to you not trying to murder me and everyone I love.
Aneela: Me neither. I could use the practice.

D'avin: That's my kid you're talking about, not a science experiment.
Pip: Technically, your kid is a science experiment.

D'avin: So this is happening. It's really, really happening. Wow. I feel like we should say something. Should I, should I say something?
Della Sayeh: Yes, because it's all about the father.

D'avin: So you're saying we're trapped out here with my sick brother, the first human-Hullen birth and our only chance at rescue just disappeared?
Lucy: Affirmative.

Killjoys Quotes

Dutch: Got any low level warrants I can knock out fast? Level 2s or 3s?
Bellus: Sure repos, transpos but shouldn't you concentrate on finishing your active warrant?
Dutch: What active warrant?
Bellus: The Level 5 warrant you signed on for twelve hours ago; one Kobee Andras.
Dutch: Bellus, Level 5s are kill work. I don't do those.

Dutch: Six years of working together, he's never wanted some 'me' time... Nah something's up.
Pree: Dutch, you work together, live together, do everything but sleep together and you're worried that he wants a little time apart. Bitch, how charming do you think you are?
Dutch: I know when Johnny's lying, Pree.