Dutch: Put your mentor pants on.
Johnny: I feel fat in them.

Johnny: Well, not to brag or anything, but it involves saving people, lots of people, from pirates.
Banyon: Save the bullshit for Turin.

I'd follow you anywhere. ... Sorry, too honest.

Zephyr [to Dutch]

They made us mods, not monsters. That part's on you.

Ollie [to Davigan]

I'm just going to put the word 'therapy' out there, as a general tip.

Johnny [to Niko]

Zephyr: It targets anything organic, you know, like people.
D'avin: Thanks for dumbing that down.

Johnny: Let the dark sciencing commence.
Ollie: Nerd.

  • Permalink: Nerd.
  • Added:

I am a sexy wolf man.


Niko: I enjoy a firm grip.
Johnny: The same.
Ollie: Oh, gross!

Ollie: If they've got black-market productions going on, they're not going to just let us waltz in there to the good stuff.
Johnny: Then it's a good thing I know how to dance.

Zephyr: What kind of guns do we get?
D'avin: None. You get none guns.
Dutch: We do the bang-bang, you do the tech.

Dutch [to D'avin]: C'mon. Let's go traumatize some lab rats.
Turin: This time, try not to explode 'em.

Killjoys Quotes

Dutch: Got any low level warrants I can knock out fast? Level 2s or 3s?
Bellus: Sure repos, transpos but shouldn't you concentrate on finishing your active warrant?
Dutch: What active warrant?
Bellus: The Level 5 warrant you signed on for twelve hours ago; one Kobee Andras.
Dutch: Bellus, Level 5s are kill work. I don't do those.

Dutch: Six years of working together, he's never wanted some 'me' time... Nah something's up.
Pree: Dutch, you work together, live together, do everything but sleep together and you're worried that he wants a little time apart. Bitch, how charming do you think you are?
Dutch: I know when Johnny's lying, Pree.