D'avin: You want me to get high and sniff her panties?
Zephyr: Do you have some?
D'avin: We really need to work on the whole joke thing.

So, you going to forgive my gorgeous ass so we can save my friends?

Pree [to Loughlin]

It's never just beer and fritters.

D'avin [to Zephyr]

D'avin: Johnny killed Delle Sayeh and now she's after him.
Zephyr: I'm not sure that makes sense.
D'avin: Baroness von Batshit has gone full Hullen.
Zephyr: Now that makes sense.

D'avin: Are you and Pree ...
Gared: Hells if I know. The man's locked up tighter than a Niner's asshole.

Pree has alley cams? Bless his little voyeur heart!

D'avin [to Gared]

Drag a comb through that nest. Do us all a favor.

Banyon [to Turin]

Dutch: What is it with you and asteroids?
Johnny: They're hard and full of secrets, like you.

Turin: When I catch those little ass nuggets, I'm going to peel their balls like grapes.
Gared: You know, that's really violent imagery, man.
Turin: Shut up, hippie!

Banyon: And I thought you were the funny one.
Johnny: I multitask.

Lucy: I've missed your way with smart women.
Johnny: I missed you too, Luce. Wait, was that sarcasm?

Quin [to D'avin]: I know that chin, and that voice.
Johnny: It is adorable.

Killjoys Season 3 Quotes

Hullen: We're coming for you.
Pree: Well, aren't you full of shit and sunshine?
D'avin: Now can I poke him?

This better be worth the chafing.

Pree [while running]