Whoa. Easy kids. We're all cops here. Not seals or hobos.


Murtaugh: Yes, it is personal. You wouldn't understand. You don't live in any kind of community. You're a sand hobo.
Riggs: A sand hobo? As opposed to what? A regular hobo?
Murtaugh: Your neighbors are seals.

Huh. There goes the neighborhood.


Riggs: Trish, can I ask you a question? Do I look homeless to you?
Trish: What? Of course not. I mean, sometimes you're a little scruffy, but that's part of your charm.

Instead of community, we have landscaping, safer house, safer streets.


Are you homeless?

Dr. Cahill

Well, to be honest, Ned, I don't have much of a career anyway.


You're leaving. I have a bottle of wine and a babysitter.


Riggs, you can hid in the office. You can hide in the bottle. You can shoot your TV, get high, whatever. You don't have to talk to me, but do you talk to anyone?

Dr. Cahill

The two of you agreeing with each other? Now that's scary.


Riggs: Hey, Rog, don't make it easy for 'em.
Murtaugh: Hell no.

This time we went with my plan. Next time, we'll go with your plan. Partnership, right?


Lethal Weapon Quotes

Hello, bad guys, I brought some gifts.


Hey, Murtaugh. Be safe out there.
