Dan: Okay, Monkey. Surprise. You get to eat chocolate cake in bed tonight.
Trixie: Why?
Dan: Does it matter?

I hate it when people fight over me.


I'd really hate to be in your head.


Dan: You don't care who you piss off, do you?
Lucifer: Not in the slightest, no.

I'm stuck in a place I don't belong, and I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. I need to figure out how to be more normal.


Honey, your new friend is so delicious.

Penelope Decker

Don't let your daddy issues cloud your judgment.


At first I didn't understand why God put you in my path, but then it hit me. Maybe he put me in yours.

Father Frank

Lucifer: The Devil friends witha priest? It's absurd.
Chloe: It's absurdly cute.

Patience is not one of my virtues.


For your penance? Ten bloody mary's and a good shag.

Father Frank: We all have demons inside.
Lucifer: My demon tends the bar.

Lucifer Quotes

Cop: Are you trying to bribe me, sir?
Lucifer: Yes, of course.

Amenadiel: You are a mockery of everything divine.
Lucifer: Thank you. Thank you, but lately I've been thinking. Do you think I'm the Devil because I'm inherently evil, or just because dear ol' dad decided I was?