In case I haven't made myself abundantly clear, I'm not going back to Hell.

Dr. Martin: You are his fallen angel, but here's the thing. When angels fall, they also rise. All you have to do is embrace all that you are.
Lucifer: I can't.

Pardon the intrusion, you Village People rejects.

Patients with delusions. They can be challenging.


Dr. Martin: You keep trying on many hats to hide your horns: playboy, cop, club owner.
Lucifer: Yes, but your forgot all things tongue related.

I need your help like I need a third boob.


I didn't leave Hell just to step into another one.

I already know what killed Erwin...boredom!

Is the Brittney buffet still serving?

I am amazed at the deferential respect you people have for rotting flesh.

What unpleasantness felled this heap of unrealized ambition?

While all dogs go to heaven, you'll be surprised how many pigs are waiting for you in Hell.

Lucifer Season 1 Quotes

Cop: Are you trying to bribe me, sir?
Lucifer: Yes, of course.

Amenadiel: You are a mockery of everything divine.
Lucifer: Thank you. Thank you, but lately I've been thinking. Do you think I'm the Devil because I'm inherently evil, or just because dear ol' dad decided I was?