Consider me an emotional jockstrap for the Decker family jewels.

Chloe: I bet you an arm and a leg, mom, that he has no idea what today is.
Lucifer: That's not particularly wise of you to wage your lovely extremities, Detective.

Amenadiel: You can't kill her, mom.
Charlotte: Of course I can. I just push the button.

You are lying, Lucifer. To yourself.

Dr. Linda

Besides this is my fault. I should have remembered how selfish and thoughtless you can be.


You need to see that you're not meant to be together. You belong with your family.


What's he objecting to? Air quotes?


That was somewhere I was sent as punishment, like the DMV, but with less screaming.

Dr. Martin: I find that people make Los Angeles their home for one of two reasons: They're running from something, or looking for something.

Someone really popped his cork.


He's got a stick so far up his arse you can see it when he yawns.

I was the kind of kid who did jigsaw puzzles face side down.


Lucifer Season 2 Quotes

Lucifer: Once upon a time, a boy met a girl. They fell in love. They had sex. The only trouble was they were celestial beings and that moment created the universe.
Dr. Martin: The Big Bang?
Lucifer: Never knew how appropriate the name was until now, did ya?

Amenadiel: Well, maybe she's not in Los Angeles.
Lucifer: She's here. I kept her in prison for thousands of years. She's coming for me. I know it.