Elizabeth: I have your short list on my desk.
Mike: I have it right here. I picked it up off the pile and dusted it off. You have to find a replacement, because the President of the United States wouldn't go back on her word.

Artists have inspired me to do everything meaningful in my life. I may have even learned a little on Keats and Shakespeare when wooing my wife. There is nothing more inspiring than creativity, and nothing more creative than the arts. They must be funded.


The head bone is connected to the thigh bone, but the people of Alabama don't care about the body politic. They care about runaway spending.


Senators Windbag and Expediency are here.


I don't know why. I think these shoes belong to a different party, one where fun goes to die.


We are under attack. I do need your help but so does your country. I am today and you are tomorrow.


Constantine: It's ironic that you decry nationalism around the world when at home -
Elizabeth: Callister's running for President. I've heard it before.
Constantine: That's the problem with your so-called free speech. It is another weapon that can be bought and sold.

How are we supposed to keep other nations on board when they're not sure they can trust our word?


Jay: The entire UN Security Council gone? What do we do now, ma'am?
Elizabeth: We go to the White House and get into a fight.

Forget about liberals, conservatives, all that party stuff. What Americans yearn for is the leader with the guts to tell the truth and the charisma to lead us.


Stevie: So the world is ending and we're all screwed.
Blake: Which we've established.
Stevie: So what's the one thing you would do before it all collapses?

I always say my first constituent is Mother Earth.


Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.