If we are to face climate change head on, we all have to sacrifice a little bit so we can do something about it while there's still time.


The honeymoon's over. From now on, 40% of the country is going to hate you at any given time. Get used to it.


She isn't a diplomat anymore. She's a leader. Leaders don't negotiate with protesters.


Elizabeth: Are we taking this healthy thing too far?
Henry: I wouldn't say that. It's just a lot of chewing.

While President McCord is confident that the investigation will show that there is no truth to Hansen's accusation that her campaign colluded with the Iranian interference into the election, but she respects Congress' authority to oversee the executive branch.


The lies you've been spewing for the last couple of years have done nothing for American security.


I am truly honored for the offer, Elizabeth, but no matter how you spin this, I would still be abandoning my party. I appreciate the courage it took you to ask me, but I'm not that courageous.


Elizabeth: Even Nixon managed to get big stuff done during Watergate. Opening China, creating the EPA...
Mike: And all anyone remembers is Watergate.

How do you win a fight where your opponent is willing to hit below the belt and you're not?


No politician's ego ever met a principle it couldn't crush.


The scandal didn't hurt Miller in the polls. He could eat babies on live TV and his base wouldn't care as long as he panders to their fears.


Mike: If it gets out that a foreign government helped topple your opponent, the legitimacy of your presidency could be in jeopardy.
Elizabeth: This is a lot bigger than me. Our democracy was interfered with.

Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.