Unfortunately, I think we're better equipped to Mother Russia than Mother Nature.


One thing I learned from the avocado farm, the Earth is basically like a five year old. You give it everything it wants -- the best food and love and attention -- it is non stop bounty, but you pollute it with crap, ignore all the signs that it needs a nap, and push it too far? Pretty soon, you've got an overlooked middle child who will demand your attention by killing the babysitter.


Well I love that he's in a love fog, but we are not raising a high school dropout.

Elizabeth [about Jason]

Matt: Isn't she that crazy consultant lady who threw a chair and had some hysterical breakdown?
Elizabeth: You know, it's funny, isn't it? When...when a man reaches a certain breaking point and throws something, he's passionate, but when a woman reaches the same breaking point, she's hysterical and can't stand the pressure.

Elizabeth: Well, I think I found my exit plan.
Stevie: Yeah, you should totally write a memoir.
Elizabeth: No. Retiring on a farm. Raising animals, growing our own food.
Stevie: Mom, you do realize we already lived on a farm, right?

Elizabeth: This is a one time offer that will expire when we end this call: reinstate the Summit on Human Trafficking and bring all signatory countries back to the table immediately. You know that Madonna song, 'Hung Up?' I am about to hang up on you.

Dalton: I've order the evacuation of all American high ranking personnel until further notice.
Elizabeth: He means bring your ass home, Henry.
Henry: Yes, honey. And Mr. President.

In my paralysis and panic about my adequacy as a designer and human being, I forgot to book a model for the presentation.


My rehab counselor says that I should try knitting. You know, it focuses the mind. And now all I can do is have dreams about cable stitch.


Henry: I assure you the threat is real..
Morejon: Well, maybe the fault lies with the Secretary of State. She's the one that executes that policy.
Henry: I'm more interested in finding solutions than assigning blame, but the Secretary can only do so much with the budget approved by this congress. Senator Morejon, you ran your campaign on a platform of national security. So I'm asking, respectfully, for you to put your money where your mouth is.

Russell: Pro tip: When you're trying to reassure, don't use a metaphor for nuclear holocaust.

I can't decide which is worse, sleeping with a foreign president's brother-in-law or being dumb enough to get caught.


Madam Secretary Quotes

I won't say the David Bowie thing.


Elizabeth: When he says it's my call, what does he mean by that?
Russell: He means it's your ass.